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The Ineffable Concept of Thought Leadership
Some published content about thinking about publishing content about thinking
This is a collection point for what’s bouncing around in my head about “thought leadership.” This is an active investigation (…meditation?). Content here will absolutely change over time – I will add, delete, edit, and consolidate as my own thinking evolves.
You can read a bit about why I’m doing this here: About this Site
If you want to skip to the chase and get some (hopefully good) advice, go here: Advice
If you’re looking for book recommendations, try here: Resources
Otherwise, dig in. I hope this helps you.
Chapters (Thoughts? Rants?)
Some words of warning before we get started
Why is it "ineffable"?
It’s hard to explain what it is
Defining Thought Leadership
What is thought leadership?
Breaking Down Thought Leadership
The whole is made up of smaller parts
The Goals of Thought Leadership
This is what we want to happen
The Process of Thought Leadership
There’s a basic framework for how it happens
The Types of Thought Leadership
There are different types of thought leadership content
Voice and Attribution in Thought Leadership
Who should thought leadership content be “from”?
Credibility and Thought Leadership
What makes us take content seriously?
Thought Leadership and Career Evolution
Our motivation for and approach to thought leadership might change throughout a career
The Fears We Don't Talk About
Publishing content can be scary, and that’s probably the biggest obstacle
The Peril and Opportunity of AI
Generative AI seems perfect for all this, doesn’t it?
Performative Thought Leadership
Make sure you can back it up
Thought Leadership as a Job Role and Program
Can you run thought leadership as a full-time job?
The Formats and Artifacts of Thought Leadership
What concrete forms does it take?
Obstacles to Success
Here are some things that could prevent a program from establishing and thriving
The Problem of Self-Identification
Can you give yourself the title?
Some Advice
Ideas for getting started
Some more information
Possible Future Installments
Other aspects of this topic I might talk about in the future
A Final Word
I’ve analyzed this concept a lot. I do not recommend this.
What I do recommend is just publishing good content. Don’t overthink it.
Maybe some information here might help you once you get down the road a bit, or if you’re trying to establish a larger program. But if you’re just starting out, just do it and figure out the details later.