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Some more information

This will be an evolving list of other things I’ve looked at, read, absorbed, etc. It will never be complete.

(These are mostly books… I read a lot.)


Blog Posts


Example Programs

It’s tough to say that a thought leadership program is “working” without inside information. The best we can do from the outside is find programs that (1) are long-running, because the realities of business would likely have killed poorly performing problems; and (2) seem to carry some weight in a particular industry.

Also, know that these examples of “successful” programs are by my own definition only. I tend to be an idealist about content, so these are content-rich examples, and they tend to be lower on the scale of marketing and calls-to-action? I have no doubt there are many other programs on the other end of that scale which are producing great results for their organizations and can be therefore objectively labeled as “successful.”

The examples below are from my industry: content and marketing technology.