Possible Future Installments
Other aspects of this topic I might talk about in the future
Existence vs. Activity
How much of thought leadership is just…existing in the professional world – posted regularly on social media, participating in discussions, being referenced by other people, etc. – and how much is proactive content generation. What’s the ideal balance?
Thought Leadership and Selling Stages
What type of content corresponds to what stage a potential buyer is in the process? Do customers in various stages of the process respond better or worse to particular types of content?
My Personal Journey
A first-hand history of what I’ve done for thought leadership over the last 25 years.
A discussion of the spectrum of thought leadership from smaller-scale practical advice, to foundation-shaking, paradigm-shifting thinkpieces.
The Story of a Single Piece of Content
The journey of a single piece of thought leadership content from ideation to creation to publication and distribution.
Thought Leadership and Industry Type
Are there specific industries that benefit more from tought leadership than others? How do non-Internet-native industries differ from those embedded in the digital world?
The Codification and Branding of Thought Leadership
How do you take an idea or a way of thinking and turn it into something indelibly traced to you? Outside of legal action like copyrights, how do you structure ways of thinking into such a way that they’re brandable … things?